

What are the differences between insulating boards and bakelite boards?

2024-09-05 14:50  |  By:  |  117click
From the materials, uses and characteristics of insulating boards and bakelite boards:
The main differences between insulating boards and bakelite boards are their materials, uses and characteristics.
Material and manufacturing methods of insulating boards and bakelite boards:
Insulating boards: Usually made of epoxy resin or other insulating materials, with high insulation performance, high temperature resistance and moisture resistance.
Bakelite boards: called bakelite boards or phenolic laminated paperboards, using bleached wood building paper and cotton lint paper as reinforcements, and made with phenolic resin adhesives.
Uses of insulating boards and bakelite boards:
Insulating boards are widely used in substations, power plants, distribution rooms, laboratories, and outdoor live operations to isolate live parts, limit the range of activities of workers, and prevent them from approaching high-voltage live parts.
Bakelite boards are often used to manufacture electrical materials, such as switches, lamp holders, headphones, telephone cases, instrument cases, etc., because they have good insulation performance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance.
‌Characteristics of Insulation Board and Bakelite Board‌:
‌Insulation board‌ usually has high mechanical strength, good insulation, high temperature resistance and moisture resistance, and is suitable for high insulation structural parts of mechanical equipment, electrical equipment and electronic devices.
‌Bakelite board‌ has high mechanical strength, good insulation performance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance, does not absorb water and is non-conductive, and is widely used in electrical products.
In summary, although insulation board and Bakelite board may overlap in some application scenarios, they have obvious differences in materials, production methods, uses and characteristics. Insulation board focuses more on providing electrical isolation and protection, while Bakelite board is more used in the manufacture of electrical components and equipment.

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