The eddy loss is the existence of axial leakage flux at the position of the conductor. The factors affecting the eddy current in the conductor are the maximum flux density, the thickness of the conductor and the current density. The thicker the conductor, the higher loss of the eddy. The insulation damage of transposition wire and composite wire is equivalent to increasing the thickness of wire and lead to the increase of eddy. In addition to eddy, broken wires can also increase circulation.
The big conductor is moving in the magnetic field or in the changing magnetic field would create induced electromotive force to form eddy and make bigger eddy loss. To reduce eddy loss, iron core usually made of thin ferromagnetic conductor. The surface of these slice covered with varnish or insulating oxide. When flux across narrow section, the eddy is restrict in narrow loop with low electromotive force . the loop length is long and the slice materials with big electrical resistivity that could reduce eddy loss.